get involved
Support UsYou make our dream possible. No matter how small or how big, every donation is highly valued and much needed. Thank you so much for considering to support JoyHouse Children’s Village. Your support helps us expand our capacity and save the lives of children in Namibia.
donate funds
Currently we need funds for the following:
- Architect design and planning of the village. The actual house designs have been donated.
- Building of the first three houses.
- Furnishing of the first three houses.
- Running costs including food and salaries.
You can donate by doing a bank transfer to:
- Bank: Nedbank Namibia
- Account: 11000284892
- Branch Code: 461617
- Reference: WMS JoyHouse (This is very important)
Donate items
We will gladly accept any new or second hand items that are clean and in a good condition and that you would still be proud to use yourself.
We need the following items:
- Baby and children’s clothes and shoes.
- Toys and books
- Baby toiletries
- Nappies
- All items required to furnish a house including beds, bedding, lounge suites, dining room suites, microwaves, fridges, washing machines, crockery and cutlery.
- Any other item that you feel we could possibly use to enrich the lives of the children we will be giving a home to.
Items can be dropped off or shipped to:
- Christian Family Centre
- 4 Golf Road
- Windhoek, Namibia
- Contact: +264 61 300 350
We are currently in the strategic planning phase and require volunteers who can assist with the following:
- Budget finalisation
- Government registration finalisation
- Social media setup and marketing
- Official launch in March 2019
We currently require people who can assist with fundraising and raising awareness of what we are busy building. You should be a confident people person with a heart for children.